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1.Zhang, B.Hu,R.,Wu, T., Li, Y,(2018)"Fabrication ofchitosan/magnetite-graphene oxide composites as a novel bioadsorbent foradsorption and detoxification of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution." Scientific Report,  DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-33925-7.
2. Dong, W., Sun, D., Li, Y., Wu, T., (2018) "Rapid removal and recovery of emulsifiedoil from ASP produced water using in situ formed magnesium hydroxide." Environmental Science: Water Research &Technology, DOI:10.1039/C7EW00568G.
3. Shen, X., Chen, X., Sun, D., Wu, T., Li, Y., (2018) "Fabrication of a magnetite/ diazoniumfunctionalized-reduced graphene oxide hybrid as an easily regenerated adsorbentfor efficient removal of chlorophenols from aqueous solution." RSC Adv., 8: 7351-7360.
4. Zhang, B., Yuan, S., Sun, D., Li, Y., Wu, T., (2018) "Experimental and theoretical calculation investigation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid adsorption onto core-shell carbon microspheres@layered double hydroxide composites." RSC Advances, 8(2): 856-866.

5. Du, Y., Li, Y., Wu, T., (2017). "A superhydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic chitosan-TiO2composite membrane for fast oil-in-water emulsion separation." RSC Advances, 7(66): 41838-41846.

6. Zhang, B., Luan, L., Gao, R., Li, Y., Wu, T., (2017) "Rapid and effective removal of Cr(VI) fromaqueous solution using exfoliated LDH nanosheets." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemicaland Engineering Aspects, 520: 399-408.

7. Li, F., Gao, R., Wu, T., Li, Y., (2017) "Role of layered materials in emulsified oil/water separation and anti-fouling performance of modified cellulose acetate membranes with hierarchical structure." Journal of Membrane Science, 543: 163-171.

8. Li, F., Sun, D., Wu, T., Li, Y., (2017) "Aggregation and deposition of in situ formed colloidal particles in the presence of polyelectrolytes." Soft Matter, 13(8): 1539-1547.

9. Gao, R., F. Li, Y. Li and T. Wu (2017). "Effective removal of emulsified oil from oily wastewater using in-situ generated metallic hydroxides from leaching solution of white mud." Chemical Engineering Journal 309: 513-521.

10. Li, F., L. Ye, Y. Li and T. Wu (2016). "Investigation into the adsorption of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide onto in situ formed magnesium hydroxide particles." RSC Advances 6(37): 31092-31100.

11. Liu, Q., M. Xu, F. Li, T. Wu and Y. Li (2016). "Rapid and effective removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions using the FeCl3/NaBH4 system." Chemical Engineering Journal 296: 340-348.

12. Ye, L., F. Li, T. Wu and Y. Li (2016). "Rapid and effective removal of sodium lignosulfonate from aqueous solutions by in-situ formed magnesium hydroxide." Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 33(12): 3541-3549.

13. Zhang, B., F. Li, T. Wu, D. Sun and Y. Li (2015). "Adsorption of p-nitrophenol from aqueous solutions using nanographite oxide." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 464: 78-88.

14. Li, F., W. He, D. Sun, T. Wu and Y. Li (2015). "Effect of sodium-montmorillonite particles on the stability of oil droplets in produced water from alkali/surfactant/polymer flooding." Journal of Cleaner Production 104: 468-474.

15. Cheng, L., L. Ye, D. Sun, T. Wu and Y. Li (2015). "Removal of petroleum sulfonate from aqueous solution by hydroxide precipitates generated from leaching solution of white mud." Chemical Engineering Journal 264: 672-680.

16. Miao, L., F. Li, D. Sun, T. Wu and Y. Li (2015). "Interfacial and electrokinetic properties of asphaltenes and alkali/surfactant/polymer in produced water system." Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 133: 18-28.

17. Li, F., L. Sun, Y. Wang, T. Wu and Y. Li (2014). "Effect of laponite particles on the emulsion stability of produced water from polymer flooding." Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 124: 155-160.

18. Zhang, L., B. Zhang, T.Wu, D. Sun and Y. Li (2015). "Adsorption behavior and mechanism of chlorophenols onto organoclays in aqueous solution." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 484: 118-129.

19. Huang, X., T. Wu, Y. Li, D. Sun, G. Zhang, Y. Wang, G. Wang and M. Zhang (2012). "Removal of petroleum sulfonate from aqueous solutions using freshly generated magnesium hydroxide." Journal of Hazardous Materials 219-220: 82-88.

20. Wu, P., T. Wu, W. He, L. Sun, Y. Li and D. Sun (2013). "Adsorption properties of dodecylsulfate-intercalated layered double hydroxide for various dyes in water." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 436: 726-731.

21. Wang, Y., F. Lu, Y. Li, T. Wu, D. Sun, G. Zhang, X. Huang and G. Wang (2012). "Effects of Na-montmorillonite particles on the emulsification stability of polymer flooding produced water." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 410: 125-129.

22. Wu, T., D. Sun, Y. Li and G. Zhang (2012). Treatment of waste cutting oil emulsions by leaching solutions of white mud. Advanced Materials Research. 356-360: 1570-1574.

23. Zhang, G., T. Wu, Y. Li, X. Huang, Y. Wang and G. Wang (2012). "Sorption of humic acid to organo layered double hydroxides in aqueous solution." Chemical Engineering Journal 191: 306-313.

24. Wu, T., D. Sun, Y. Li, H. Zhang and F. Lu (2011). "Thiocyanate removal from aqueous solution by a synthetic hydrotalcite sol." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 355(1): 198-203.

25. Zhang, G., X. Li, Y. Li, T. Wu, D. Sun and F. Lu (2011). "Removal of anionic dyes from aqueous solution by leaching solutions of white mud." Desalination 274(1-3): 255-261.

26. Wang, B., T. Wu, Y. Li, D. Sun, M. Yang, Y. Gao, F. Lu and X. Li (2011). "The effects of oil displacement agents on the stability of water produced from ASP (alkaline/surfactant/polymer) flooding." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 379(1-3): 121-126.

27. Li, Y., B. Gao, T. Wu, D. Sun, X. Li, B. Wang and F. Lu (2009). "Hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solution by adsorption on aluminum magnesium mixed hydroxide." Water Research 43(12): 3067-3075.

28. Li, Y., B. Gao, T. Wu, B. Wang and X. Li (2009). "Adsorption properties of aluminum magnesium mixed hydroxide for the model anionic dye Reactive Brilliant Red K-2BP." Journal of Hazardous Materials 164(2-3): 1098-1104.

29. Li, Y. J., M. Yang, X. J. Zhang, T. Wu, N. Cao, N. Wei, Y. J. Bi and J. Wang (2006). "Adsorption removal of thiocyanate from aqueous solution by calcined hydrotalcite." Journal of Environmental Sciences 18(1): 23-28.


1.国家自然科学基金 《强乳化三元复合驱采出水脱稳机理研究》 2017-2020

2.国家自然科学基金 《地层黏土矿物等天然固体颗粒对三元复合驱采油污水复杂乳化体系的脱稳作用》 2012-2015

3.山东省自然科学基金 《天然固体颗粒对三元复合驱采出水复杂乳化体系的稳定作用》 2012-2015

4. 横向课题 中海油田服务股份有限公司 《新型阳离子聚胺钻井液体系作用机理研究》2009 参与者

5.横向课题 中石化胜利石油管理局钻井工程技术公司 《钻井液稳定机理研究》2009 参与者

6. 国家自然科学基金基于片状无机胶体体系的向列相》 2004-2006 参与者

7.山东省科技攻关重点黄河三角洲油区污染治理技术集成与示范》 2009-2011参与者

8.国家自然科学基金 《空缺引力盘状胶体液晶相变的影响》 2007-2009

9.高等院校博士点基金 LDHs片状粒子分散体系中的液晶相变》 2006-2008

10.山东省自然科学基金 《无机溶致液晶的电光效应研究》 2005-2007

11.横向课题 中国石油化工股份有限公司 《环保型悬浮乳液体系的研究与应用》 2005-2007 参与者

12. 山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金 石蜡细小乳液作为油田钻井液添加剂的应用 2004-2006




1. 一种快速处理六价铬的方法  2014

2.一种基于还原沉淀的水中六价铬快速去除方法 2015

3.一种去除油田含油废水中乳化油的方法 2016

4.壳结构层状双金属氢氧化物复合粒子制备方法及应用 2016

5.一种处理含氯苯酚废水的方法 2015

6.一种处理三元复合驱采油废水的方法 2009

7.一种油田聚合物驱采出水的处理方法 2009

8.一种处理硝基苯酚废水的方法 2014

9.一种处理含水溶性聚合物废水的方法 2015





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